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New goals 2021

Goal 1

The goal for the first two months of 2021 will be to fix my diet plan and to lose the 12 extra kilos I gained through 2020 and quarantine. My diet will be starting with a Detox 7 days plan.

Day 1 : Fruits (except bananas)

Day 2 : Vegetables (except tomatoes)

Day 3 : Fruits & Vegetables

Day 4 : Bananas & 1 liter of milk (on your choice milk) * I prefer almond milk

Day 5 : 1 cup of rice & 6-7 tomatoes

Day 6 : 1 cup of rice & vegetables

Day 7 : 1 cup of rice & vegetables & juices

*** Don’t forget you must drink about 10-12 glasses of water *** At least 30 minutes walking per day

At the end probably will be a loss of 5 – 10 kilos depending on the strict diet, the water, the exercise and of course the body type everyone are having.

At the end of the diet I will post a photo with my kilos at the start of the week and a photo at the end of the week.

Follow and stay tuned!

This is just the first goal I post for the New Year and together will try to achieve every one of them!

Send me your goals and you results if you try this Detox diet as a start of a bigger loss weight journey!

**Photo from @pinterest

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